Here we’ll give a light sketch about why importance-weighted autoencoders provide a tighter bound on $\log p(x)$, then walk through how Jax makes these kind of multi-sample estimators nice to implement. If you just want the Jax skip to Section 1.3.
Recall that the setup is that we are attempting to model the log-marginal likelihood $\log p(x)$ over some given data $x$. The evidence lower bound (ELBO) lower bounds (surprise!) $\log p(x)$ with gap given by the KL divergence between the learnt approximation $q_{\lambda}(z)$ and the true posterior $p(z \vert x)$. We want to maximize the lower bound with respect to the variational parameters $\lambda$ of $q_{\lambda}$. For more information check out this earlier primer post.
\[\begin{align} \kl{q_{\lambda}(z)}{p(z \vert x)} &= \E{q_{\lambda}(z)}{\log q_{\lambda}(z) - \log p(z \vert x)} \\ &= \log p(x) + \underbrace{\E{q_{\lambda}(z)}{\log q_{\lambda}(z) - \log p(x,z)}}_{\text{ELBO}(x)} \end{align}\]Of course the natural question is if we can reduce this gap, and the answer happens to be yes, without too much effort.
Let $R$ be a random variable such that $\mathbb{E}\left[R\right] = p(x)$. Then we have:
\begin{equation} \log p(x) = \mathbb{E}\left[\log R\right] + \mathbb{E}\left[\log p(x) - \log R\right] \end{equation}
We can interpret the first term on the right as a lower bound on $\log p(x)$, and the second term as the bias. If we assume that $R$ stays relatively close to $p(x)$, then we can expand $\log R$ in a Taylor Series around $p(x)$:
\[\begin{align} \E{}{\log R} &= \E{}{\log\left(p(x) + R - p(x)\right)} \\ &= \E{}{\log\left(p(x)\left(1+\frac{R - p(x)}{p(x)}\right)\right)} \\ &\approx \E{}{\log p(x) + \frac{1}{p(x)}\left(R - p(x)\right) - \frac{1}{2p(x)^2} \left(R - p(x)\right)^2} \\ &= \log p(x) - \frac{1}{2p(x)^2} \mathbb{V}\left[R\right] \end{align}\]So the ‘slackness’ in the bound (approximately) scales with the variance of $R$, $\mathbb{V}\left[R\right]$:
\begin{align} \log p(x) - \mathbb{E}\left[\log R\right] \approx \frac{1}{2p(x)^2}\mathbb{V}\left[R\right] \geq 0 \end{align}
Note to make use of this expansion, we should have that $R$ is concentrated near $p(x)$ in the sense that the Taylor series for $\log\left(1 + \frac{R-p(x)}{p(x)}\right)$ converges.
The scaling of bound tightness with variance suggests we should look for a function of $R$ with the same mean but lower variance, one easy possibility is just the sample mean $R_K = \frac{1}{K}\sum_{k=1}^K R_k$. Then, as each $R_k$ has identical mean $p(x)$, we still have $\log p(x) \geq \E{}{\log R_K}$, but now this gives a tighter bound by a factor of $1/K$, with the caveat that $\vert \frac{R-p(x)}{p(x)} \vert < 1$. So using more particles $K$ helps us pump those rookie numbers up.
We can connect this back to variational inference by letting $R$ have the following form:
\begin{equation} R = \frac{p(x,z)}{q(z)}, \quad z \sim q \end{equation}
Where $q$ is some proposal distribution that can be efficiently evaluated + sampled from. This satisfies the condition $\E{q}{R} = \int_Z dz\; q(z) \frac{p(x,z)}{q(z)} = p(x)$. By Jensen’s Inequality, we have the following lower bound on the log marginal likelihood:
\begin{equation} \E{q}{\log R} \leq \log p(x) \end{equation}
From our heuristic argument above, we can tighten this bound by sampling multiple $z_k \sim q$ and using the sample mean over $R$ to estimate $p(x)$, arriving at the importance-weighted ELBO, or the IW-ELBO, first introduced by Burda et. al. [1]. Being a tighter variational bound than the regular ELBO, which corresponds to the single sample $K=1$ case, this is a useful (but still biased) proxy for $\log p(x)$ in problems involving density estimation.
\[\begin{align} % R_K &= \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^K \frac{p(x, z_k)}{q(z_k)}, \quad z_k \sim q \\ \textrm{IW-ELBO}_K(x) &= \log \frac{1}{K} \sum_{k=1}^K \frac{p(x, z_k)}{q(z_k)}, \quad z_k \sim q \end{align}\]Our argument makes it fairly intuitive that the IW-ELBO should be a consistent estimator with convergence rate linear in $K$, but we need to tread more carefully to properly understand the asymptotics, by showing the remainder term in the Taylor expansion goes to zero as $K \rightarrow \infty$. Rainforth et. al. [2] and Domke and Sheldon [3] provide rigorous bounds on the asymptotic error term.
Here’s a barebones implementation of learning this bound with an amortized diagonal-Gaussian encoder/decoder pair in Jax, more details to follow in the next post. Note that easy vectorization in Jax makes this an almost trivial extension of the single importance sample VAE case.
import jax as jnp
from jax import jit, vmap, random
from jax.scipy.special import logsumexp
def diag_gaussian_logpdf(x, mean=None, logvar=None):
# Log of PDF for diagonal Gaussian for a single point
D = x.shape[0]
if (mean == None) and (logvar == None):
# Standard Gaussian
mean, logvar = jnp.zeros_like(x), jnp.zeros_like(x)
jnp.sum(-0.5 * (jnp.log(2*jnp.pi) + logvar + (x-mean)**2 * jnp.exp(-logvar)))
def diag_gaussian_sample(rng, mean, logvar):
# Sample single point from a diagonal multivariate distribution
return mean + jnp.exp(0.5 * logvar) * random.normal(rng, mean.shape)
First some convenience functions to evaluate the log-density of a diagonal Gaussian and to sample from a diagonal Gaussian using reparameterization. Note in Jax we explicitly pass a PRNG state, represented above by rng
into any function where randomness is required, such as when sampling $\mathcal{N}(0,\mathbb{I})$ for reparameterization. The short reason for this is because standard PRNG silently updates the state used to generate pseudo-randomness, resulting in a hidden ‘side effect’ that is problematic for Jax’s transformation and compilation functions, which only work on Python functions which are functionally pure. Instead Jax explicitly passes the PRNG state as an argument and splits the state as required whenever we require more instances of PRNG. Check out the documentation for more details.
Next we define the log of the summand of the IW-ELBO estimator. Assume we have defined an amortized encoder/decoder that allows us to obtain the distribution parameters by passing each datapoint $x$ through their respective functions.
def iw_estimator(x, rng, enc_params, dec_params):
# Sample from q(z|x) by passing data through encoder and reparameterizing
z_mean, z_logvar = encoder(x, enc_params)
qzCx_stats = (z_mean, z_logvar)
z_sample = diag_gaussian_sample(rng, *qzCx_stats)
# Sample from p(x|z) by sampling from q(z|x), passing through decoder
x_mean, x_logvar = decoder(z_sample, dec_params)
pxCz_stats = (x_mean, x_logvar)
log_pxCz = diag_gaussian_logpdf(x, *pxCz_stats)
log_qz = diag_gaussian_logpdf(z_sample, *qzCx_stats)
log_pz = diag_gaussian_logpdf(z_sample)
iw_log_summand = log_pxCz + log_pz - log_qz
return iw_log_summand
Apart from the rng
, everything we have written down looks like plausible numpy
so far. The manner in which we collect the summands for different samples $z_k \sim q(z \vert x)$ is the only significant point of departure:
def iwelbo_amortized(x, rng, enc_params, dec_params, num_samples=32, *args, **kwargs):
rngs = random.split(rng, num_samples)
vec_iw_estimator = vmap(iw_estimator, in_axes=(None, 0, None, None))
iw_log_summand = vec_iw_estimator(x, rngs, enc_params, dec_params)
K = num_samples
iwelbo_K = logsumexp(iw_log_summand) - jnp.log(K)
return iwelbo_K
First, we split the rng
states into num_samples
new states, one for each importance sample. Next we make use of jax.vmap
- one of the ‘killer features’ of Jax. This function vectorizes a function over a given axis of the input, so the function is evaluated in parallel across the given axis. A trivial example of this would be representing a matrix-vector operation as a vectorized form of dot products between each row of the matrix and the given vector, but vmap
allows us to (in most cases) vectorize more complicated functions where it is not obvious how to manually ‘batch’ the computation. vmap
takes in three arguments:
: This is the function to vectorize, in this case the function which computes the log of the summand for the IW-ELBO, we want to compute this in parallel across all the importance samples.
: This is a tuple/integer specifying which axes of the input the function should be parallelized with respect to. In this case, our function has multiple arguments, so in_axes
is a list/tuple of length given by the number of arguments to fun
. Each element of in_axes
represents the array axis to map over for the corresponding argument. A None
means to not parallelize over this argument. Here the arguments of iw_estimator
are (x, rng, enc_params, dec_params)
- the input, PRNG state, and amortized encoder/decoder parameters, respectively. The input and the amortized parameters are constant for all importance samples, so the only argument we want the function to be parallelized over is the PRNG state. As rngs
is a one-dimensional array, we want to parallelize over the first (0
th) dimension, so in_axes = (None, 0, None, None)
: Similar definition to in_axes
, but specifying which axis of the function output the vectorized result should appear. This is usually 0
(the default) in most cases, following the standard convention of letting the first axis of an array represent the number of batch elements.
The return result is the vectorized version of iw_estimator
, which we call to get a vector, iw_log_summand
, representing the log-summands $\log p(x \vert z_k) + \log p(z_k) - \log q(z_k \vert x)$ for each importance sample $z_k$. This will be a one-dimensional array with number of elements given by the number of importance samples $K$. Finally for numerical stability we take the $\text{logsumexp}$ of the log-summands and average this to give the final IW-ELBO(K).
Note how easy it was to automatically parallelize the computation of the different importance sample summands using jax.vmap
. There’s a Pytorch implementation in the Appendix that requires us to manually reason about the batch dimension during reparameterization, and involves some wrangling over axes and dimensions in order to ensure we are performing a matrix-vector operation on the GPU and not a sequence of vector-vector operations. This approach requires you to roll your own ad-hoc manual batching system for each problem you encounter - moreover, when playing these sorts of games, you can get badly burned if you aren’t reshaping things consistently/properly,
We are done, the IW-ELBO can be used as a drop-in replacement for the standard ELBO, trading off tightness of the bound for compute time. We didn’t talk about two very important features of Jax - jax.jit
and jax.grad
, but we’ll cover this more thoroughly in the next post, about other nice ways of estimating $\log p(x)$ and optimizing our estimates in terms of the amortized parameters. If you have any suggestions about the content or how the presented code can be optimized, please let me know!
[1] Burda, Yuri and Grosse, Roger and Salakhutdinov, Ruslan. Importance Weighted Autoencoders. International Conference on Learning Representations (2016).
[2] Rainforth et. al. Tighter Variational Bounds are not Necessarily Better. International Conference on Machine Learning (2018).
[3] Domke, Justin and Sheldon, Daniel. Importance Weighting and Variational Inference. NIPS (2018).
We omit the standard helper functions below for brevity. Imagine we had some standard VAE
class with all the base functionality. There may be a more efficient way to do this in Torch rather than brute-force duplication along the batch axis, but it is reasonably fast with no significant slowdown for up to 256 importance samples using a batch size of 512 and input data with dimension 64. Note that, unlike Jax, a lot of the code is concerned with manually batching the importance samples into a single matrix for efficient vectorization. A more elegant implementation may be possible using the excellent torch.Distributions
, but it’s nice to do things explicitly where possible.
class IWAE(VAE):
def __init__(self, input_dim, hidden_dim, latent_dim=8, num_i_samples=32):
super(IWAE, self).__init__(input_dim, hidden_dim, latent_dim)
self.num_i_samples = num_i_samples
def log_px_estimate(self, x, pxCz_stats, z_sample, qzCx_stats):
x = torch.repeat_interleave(x, self.num_i_samples, dim=0)
# [n*B,1]
log_pz = math.log_density_gaussian(z_sample).sum(1, keepdim=True)
log_qzCx = math.log_density_gaussian(z_sample, *qzCx_stats).sum(1, keepdim=True)
log_pxCz = math.log_density_gaussian(x, mu=pxCz_stats['mu'],
logvar=pxCz_stats['logvar']).sum(1, keepdim=True)
log_iw = log_pxCz + log_pz - log_qzCx
log_iw = log_iw.reshape(-1, self.num_i_samples) # [B,n]
iwelbo = torch.logsumexp(log_iw, dim=1) - np.log(self.num_i_samples)
return iwelbo
def forward(self, x, **kwargs):
Tighten lower bound by reducing variance of marginal likelihood
estimator through the sample mean.
qzCx_stats = self.encoder(x)
mu_z, logvar_z = qzCx_stats # [B,D]
# Repeat num_i_samples times along batch dimension - [n,B,D]
mu_z = torch.repeat_interleave(mu_z, num_i_samples, dim=0)
logvar_z = torch.repeat_interleave(logvar_z, num_i_samples, dim=0)
qzCx_stats = (mu_z, logvar_z)
# Sample num_i_samples for each batch element
z_sample = self.reparameterize_continuous(mu=mu_z, logvar=logvar_z)
pxCz_stats = self.decoder(z_sample)
return pxCz_stats, z_sample, qzCx_stats